ASTM A677 64F250 Introduce

Core Losses: Core losses, including hysteresis and eddy current losses, are critical factors affecting the efficiency of electrical devices. ASTM A677 64F250 sets limits on the maximum allowable core losses for this type of electrical steel to ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency.

Smelting temperature:1615°C - 1558°C

Application:Fully processed non-oriented electrical steel

ASTM A677 64F250 Material Mechanical Properties

The mechanical properties of the ASTM A677 64F250 steel are as follows:

YieldRp0.2 ≤ 994 (MPa)
TeileRm≤ 268 (MPa)
Reduction in cross section on fractureZ14%
As-Heat-Treated ConditionSolution and Aging, Annealing, Ausaging, Q+T,etc
Brinell hardness (HBW)322

ASTM A677 64F250 Material Thermal Properties

The thermal performance parameters of the ASTM A677 64F250 steel are as follows:

Temperature (°C)33549949
Modulus of elasticity (GPa)-421-
Mean coefficient of thermal expaion ×10-6/(°C)--44
Thermal conductivity (W/m·°C)-22.341.2
Specific thermal capacity (J/kg·°C)-414-
Specific electrical resistivity (Ω mm²/m)0.44--
Deity (kg/dm³)--433
Poisson’s coefficient, ν--431