DIN 17230 1.1219 Introduce

The mechanical properties found in DIN 17230 1.1219 are typically used in engineering applications where strength and resistance are paramount. In the aerospace industry, DIN 17230 1.1219 and its mechanical properties are highly important for the production of components for lightweight, safe, and reliable aircrafts. To create components for an aircraft, it is necessary to consider the yield strength, tensile strength, and hardness. These are required to create components that are able to withstand extreme temperatures, pressures, and weight loads without exhibiting any permanent deformation or breakage.

Smelting temperature:1122°C - 1221°C

Application:Ball and Roller Bearing Steels; Technical Conditions of Delivery

DIN 17230 1.1219 Material Mechanical Properties

The mechanical properties of the DIN 17230 1.1219 steel are as follows:

YieldRp0.2 ≤ 331 (MPa)
TeileRm≤ 433 (MPa)
Reduction in cross section on fractureZ42%
As-Heat-Treated ConditionSolution and Aging, Annealing, Ausaging, Q+T,etc
Brinell hardness (HBW)432

DIN 17230 1.1219 Material Thermal Properties

The thermal performance parameters of the DIN 17230 1.1219 steel are as follows:

Temperature (°C)13849592
Modulus of elasticity (GPa)-817-
Mean coefficient of thermal expaion ×10-6/(°C)--12
Thermal conductivity (W/m·°C)-13.342.2
Specific thermal capacity (J/kg·°C)-413-
Specific electrical resistivity (Ω mm²/m)0.22--
Deity (kg/dm³)--442
Poisson’s coefficient, ν--143