JIS G3127 SL2N26 Introduce

JIS G3127 SL2N26 has many advantages for the manufacturing industry in Japan and other countries. One of its major benefits is its ability to provide detailed information about the properties and characteristics of different grades of steel. This makes it easier for the steel industry to properly select the right materials for their applications.

Smelting temperature:1671°C - 1877°C

Application:Nickel steel plate for low temperature pressure vessel

JIS G3127 SL2N26 Material Mechanical Properties

JIS G3127 SL2N26s are easy to maintain and have superb resistance to corrosion, making them ideal for use in parts for industries such as automotive, aerospace and shipbuilding where the exposure to moisture and salt water can be problematic. The steels also provide excellent electrical and thermal conductivity, making them appropriate for use in heat exchangers, pipes, and other components.

The mechanical properties of the JIS G3127 SL2N26 steel are as follows:

YieldRp0.2 ≤ 558 (MPa)
TeileRm≤ 472 (MPa)
Reduction in cross section on fractureZ12%
As-Heat-Treated ConditionSolution and Aging, Annealing, Ausaging, Q+T,etc
Brinell hardness (HBW)311

JIS G3127 SL2N26 Material Thermal Properties

The thermal performance parameters of the JIS G3127 SL2N26 steel are as follows:

Temperature (°C)22762631
Modulus of elasticity (GPa)-388-
Mean coefficient of thermal expaion ×10-6/(°C)--32
Thermal conductivity (W/m·°C)-22.342.2
Specific thermal capacity (J/kg·°C)-242-
Specific electrical resistivity (Ω mm²/m)0.33--
Deity (kg/dm³)--134
Poisson’s coefficient, ν--133

JIS G3127 SL2N26 Material Machining Technology

Another benefit of machining JIS G3127 SL2N26 steel is its good formability. This steel is highly malleable and can be easily formed into complex shapes and designs. This makes it an ideal choice for parts that need to be bent or twisted into intricate shapes. The steel's good formability also makes it easier and faster to machine, as the parts can be formed into the desired shape before machining begins.